package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; //import org.safs.Log; /** * This Class is meant to extend File behavior allowing for * case insensitive files. This "has a" internal protected File object * and all File methods are implemented by simplying returning the internal * File.method() for all File methods. The toFile() method returns the * internal File object. * <p> * This class has no SAFS dependencies and can be packaged independent of other SAFS classes. * * @author Jack Imbriani */ public class CaseInsensitiveFile { // internal File used to surface File behavior protected File ciFile = null ; /** * @see */ public CaseInsensitiveFile(String pathname) { ciFile = getCaseInsensitiveFile(pathname); } /** * @see, java.lang.String) */ public CaseInsensitiveFile(String parent, String child) { ciFile = getCaseInsensitiveFile(parent + File.separator + child); } /** * @see, java.lang.String) */ public CaseInsensitiveFile(File parent, String child) { ciFile = getCaseInsensitiveFile(parent.getPath() + File.separator + child); } /** * @see, java.lang.String) */ public CaseInsensitiveFile(CaseInsensitiveFile parent, String child) { ciFile = getCaseInsensitiveFile(parent.getPath() + File.separator + child); } /** * @see * Note that case insensitivity does not apply to URI */ public CaseInsensitiveFile(URI uri) { // case insensetivity does not apply here. ciFile = new File(uri) ; } /** * Method toFile. * @return File Returns the internal File object so can be used as a File */ public File toFile() { return ciFile ; } /* ****************************************************************************** * * handle directory path search beginning with root and returning first matching * ****************************************************************************** */ protected File getCaseInsensitiveFile( String strFile ) { // early return possibility if strFile exists exactly as is File theFile = new File(strFile) ; if( theFile.exists() ) return theFile ; //remove any enclosing quotes try{ if(strFile.charAt(0)==(char)34) strFile = strFile.substring(1); if(strFile.charAt(strFile.length()-1)==(char)34) strFile = strFile.substring(0, strFile.length()-1); }catch(Exception x){ //Log.debug("CaseInsensitiveFile.getCaseInsensitiveFile for '"+ strFile +"' IGNORING: "+ x.getClass().getSimpleName()); } // we need to work with whatever file.separator the System is using noting that // windows uses \ as a separator requiring the String.split regexp to use \\ String file_separator = File.separator ; if( file_separator.equals("\\") ) file_separator += "\\" ; // work with array of strings that make up the strFile path String subpaths[] = strFile.split(file_separator) ; // the case insensitive file object File caseInsensitiveFile = null ; // traverse the subpaths building foundPath as we go using the strFile // substrings exactly if they make an existing path, or case permuted variants // of the substrings if found // this will store the path to the file we find including variants of case // note that only the first case permuted variant will be used if multiple exist String foundPath = "" ; // absolute and relative files behave differently and considerations must be made // for how they are specified (begin with File.separator, filesystemroot, or .) int start_idx = 0 ; if( theFile.isAbsolute() ) { // may begin with File.separator or drive specification (c:\ for example) if( theFile.getPath().startsWith(file_separator) ) { // starting with file_separator means [i.e. /file (unix) or \file (windows)] start_idx = 1 ; } else { // subpaths[0] should be file root specification (c: on windows for example) foundPath = subpaths[0] ; start_idx = 1 ; } } else { // relative path may begin with . or a name. // a name requires prepending ., finding name, then removing .+file_separator // if begins with ., treat like absolute path (no else needed) if( ! subpaths[0].startsWith(".") ) { File relFile = findFileMP(".",subpaths[0]) ; // return early using original strFile if no match found if( relFile == null ) return new File(strFile) ; foundPath = relFile.getPath().replaceFirst("."+file_separator,"") ; start_idx = 1 ; } } // traverse the subpaths building foundPath as we go using the strFile // substrings exactly if they make an existing path, or case permuted variants // of the substrings if found for( int idx = start_idx ; idx < subpaths.length ; idx++ ) { String huntPath = null ; if( ! foundPath.equals("") ) { // foundPath has been set, either above or in prior iteration, so go with it huntPath = foundPath + File.separator + subpaths[idx] ; } else { // empty foundPath means have to set huntPath // and possibly foundPath prior to use if( theFile.isAbsolute() ) { // absolute file, start with separator and hunt for subpaths[idx] foundPath = File.separator ; huntPath = subpaths[idx] ; } else { // relative file, use subpaths[idx] as starting point // foundPath is set above huntPath = subpaths[idx] ; } } File tfile = new File(huntPath) ; if( tfile.exists() ) { // path exists as is, so use it exactly foundPath = tfile.getPath() ; } else { // path does not exist as is, so search for case permuted variants // we know that foundPath exists so use helper method for // case insensitive compares taking the first match found caseInsensitiveFile = findFileMP(foundPath,subpaths[idx]) ; if( caseInsensitiveFile != null ) { // variant found, use it in the foundPath foundPath = caseInsensitiveFile.getPath() ; } else { // no case permuted variant exists. // return File based on current foundPath and // remaining portion of original input strFile path String therest = "" ; for ( int i = idx ; i < subpaths.length ; i++ ) { therest += File.separator + subpaths[i] ; } return new File(foundPath+therest) ; } } } // return a File which will be some permutation of strFile // not sure why but need to create new File object instead // of returning caseInsensitiveFile. guess is object goes out of scope. return new File(foundPath) ; } // this method was copied from Carl's work in // find a case-insensitive match to the provided filename.ext // rootpath is expected to be a valid/verified path on the current platform. // we will search all files in the rootpath directory looking for a case-insensitive // match. This is needed to support Unix case-sensitive filenames. protected File findFileMP(String rootpath, String afilename){ File fdir = new File(rootpath); if (!fdir.isDirectory()) return null; String[] files = fdir.list(); if ((files == null)||(files.length == 0)) return null; String lcfile; String lcfilename = afilename.toLowerCase(); for (int i=0; i< files.length; i++){ lcfile = files[i].toLowerCase(); if (lcfile.equals(lcfilename)) return new File(fdir, files[i]); } return null; } /* ****************************************************************************** * * All of the following methods simply invoke and return * ciFile.method(args). These are all methods of the File object * and this design was chosen because we cannot extend File and manipulate * args before calling the super constructors. These methods let the * CaseInsensitiveFile behave like a File without being a File. * ****************************************************************************** */ /** * @see */ public boolean canRead() { return ciFile.canRead(); } /** * @see */ public boolean canWrite() { return ciFile.canWrite(); } /** * @see */ public int compareTo(File arg0) { return ciFile.compareTo(arg0); } /** * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ public int compareTo(Object arg0) { return ciFile.compareTo((File)arg0); } /** * @see */ public boolean createNewFile() throws IOException { return ciFile.createNewFile(); } /** * @see */ public boolean delete() { return ciFile.delete(); } /** * @see */ public void deleteOnExit() { ciFile.deleteOnExit(); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean equals(Object arg0) { return ciFile.equals(arg0); } /** * @see */ public boolean exists() { return ciFile.exists(); } /** * @see */ public File getAbsoluteFile() { return ciFile.getAbsoluteFile(); } /** * @see */ public String getAbsolutePath() { return ciFile.getAbsolutePath(); } /** * @see */ public File getCanonicalFile() throws IOException { return ciFile.getCanonicalFile(); } /** * @see */ public String getCanonicalPath() throws IOException { return ciFile.getCanonicalPath(); } /** * @see */ public String getName() { return ciFile.getName(); } /** * @see */ public String getParent() { return ciFile.getParent(); } /** * @see */ public File getParentFile() { return ciFile.getParentFile(); } /** * @see */ public String getPath() { return ciFile.getPath(); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ public int hashCode() { return ciFile.hashCode(); } /** * @see */ public boolean isAbsolute() { return ciFile.isAbsolute(); } /** * @see */ public boolean isDirectory() { return ciFile.isDirectory(); } /** * @see */ public boolean isFile() { return ciFile.isFile(); } /** * @see */ public boolean isHidden() { return ciFile.isHidden(); } /** * @see */ public long lastModified() { return ciFile.lastModified(); } /** * @see */ public long length() { return ciFile.length(); } /** * @see */ public String[] list() { return ciFile.list(); } /** * @see */ public String[] list(FilenameFilter arg0) { return ciFile.list(arg0); } /** * @see */ public File[] listFiles() { return ciFile.listFiles(); } /** * @see */ public File[] listFiles(FileFilter arg0) { return ciFile.listFiles(arg0); } /** * @see */ public File[] listFiles(FilenameFilter arg0) { return ciFile.listFiles(arg0); } /** * @see */ public boolean mkdir() { return ciFile.mkdir(); } /** * @see */ public boolean mkdirs() { return ciFile.mkdirs(); } /** * @see */ public boolean renameTo(File arg0) { return ciFile.renameTo(arg0); } /** * @see */ public boolean setLastModified(long arg0) { return ciFile.setLastModified(arg0); } /** * @see */ public boolean setReadOnly() { return ciFile.setReadOnly(); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { return ciFile.toString(); } /** * @see */ public URI toURI() { return ciFile.toURI(); } /** * @see */ public URL toURL() throws MalformedURLException { return ciFile.toURL(); } }